Day 8- Learning Gratitude
Philippians 4:4-9
Philippians 4:4-9
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me--put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” (Philippians 4:4-9, NIV)
Today’s scripture is difficult for me. I don’t have any problem with gratitude necessarily. In fact, daily, several times a day, I thank God for all His bounties in my life. God has been good to me. Really good! I’m thankful. I give Him praise and glory for what He has done in my life and He has done “abundantly more than I could ever ask or imagine.”
But, as this scripture declares, there is more to gratitude than occasional thanksgiving or even frequent thanksgiving. It is an attitude. Paul is calling us to have “an attitude of gratitude.” Now normally I hate clichés but that one is so true. These 6 verses of scripture are the mission statement and action plan for the “attitude of gratitude” lifestyle. And it is a lifestyle. A lifestyle we are commanded, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, to have.
First, we must examine the meaning of a barrier for today. Ingratitude means “ungrateful, thankless, showing a lack of appreciation.” I’m hit by two parts of this definition: (1) Thankless, (2) showing a lack of appreciation. This is where most of us are guilty.
“Thanklessness” is really “thinklessness.” We don’t “think” and our lack of meditation on God’s goodness results in the greatest sin a finite, mortal, flawed human saved by the grace of God can have: a lack of appreciation. We just don’t appreciate the blessings God has heaped on us. If we did we would never, ever have reason to complain. We are a spoiled people living in a spoiled nation. We take food, drink, clothing, and shelter for granted. We drink from the bounty of God’s blessings and still find ourselves wanting more. If we don’t turn the tide our children and our children’s children are going to find our spoiled nation “spoiled.”
The American way is looking less and less like God’s way. We’ve got to have the right car. We’ve got to have the right clothes. We’ve got to have the right house. We’ve got to have the right boat. We’ve got to have the right games and toys. We’ve got to have the best. More… More… More… We just don’t generally appreciate what we have.
Now, you may be saying speak for yourself Kenneth I’m very grateful. I don’t have a lack of appreciation. I’m not “thankless” or even “thinkless” for that matter. I understand. I would say to you that I’m not without appreciation or thanksgiving. Every time I see my wife, my children I’m amazed that God would be so good to me. My work is a privilege and a joy. I thank God that He called me to preach His Word. Then add to the mix my possessions: multiple cars, an incredible house and yard, food, clothing, etc… I praise God everyday. I’m not without appreciation or thanksgiving. I even “think” on these things multiple times daily. But, I do not have the “attitude of gratitude and at the center of my being I do show a lack of appreciation. At least according to the “Philippians 4:4-9 model.”
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” Rejoice: to be well, to thrive and be glad. Rejoice! No problem we all rejoice. Rejoice always? I didn’t think so. I looked up the word always thinking that maybe there would be a different meaning to it than just the simple, well, you know, “always.” No luck. Always in English means the same thing as always in Greek. “At all times; always; forever.” Always? How can we be “glad” at all times? Death, disease, suffering, evil and injustice are rampant in this world. Have you watched the news lately? How can we rejoice about what is happening in the Middle East? How can we rejoice about pedophiles and serial killers?
“Rejoice in the Lord.” “In the Lord.” Is that possible? Is that practical? Absolutely! Paul is making a powerful point to all of us. First, it is possible to rejoice in Him always. He has been, is, and always will be good to us. He is our Provider. He is our Savior. He is our Peace. If you are in the Lord it is ALWAYS well with your soul. Not only is it possible to “rejoice in the Lord always” but it is required. It is essential. It is commanded. Failure to “rejoice in the Lord always” is sin. Ouch. No, way. But I’m a glass half-empty kind of guy. It’s just my personality. Guess what? The Lord is bigger than your personality. You don’t have the option to be a grumpy, complaining, whiner. That is sin! How do I know? Well, for one thing it was important enough to Paul that he said: “I will say it again: Rejoice!” That is a “here’s your brain, here’s your brain on drugs” statement if I’ve ever heard one. So what does that mean practically?
Quit whining Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit complaining Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit criticizing Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit murmuring Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit grumbling Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit playing the “devil’s advocate” Christian, Rejoice in the Lord! (Why would a Christian want to play the DEVIL’S advocate anyway?)
Quit arguing Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being difficult Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being cranky Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being belligerent Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being grumpy Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being crabby Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being difficult Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being irritable Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit getting upset so easily Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being so touchy Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit causing conflict Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being disagreeable Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit quarreling Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit disputing Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being contentious Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit disagreeing Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being ill-tempered Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being cantankerous Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being ornery Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being confrontational Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being cross Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being sulky Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being testy Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being so sensitive Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being so moody Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being spiteful Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being huffy Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit sowing discord Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being contradictory Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit stirring up controversy Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being unpleasant Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being distasteful Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being offensive Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being nasty Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being unlikable Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being a displeasing Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being at odds Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being incompatible Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being unreasonable Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being brash Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit challenging Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit provoking Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit insulting Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being so easily annoyed Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being morose Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being “in a huff” Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being resentful Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit brooding Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being “out of sorts” Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being “in a funk” Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit resenting Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being temperamental Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being gruff Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being short Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being curt Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being rude Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being impolite Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being discourteous Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being thin-skinned Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being easily upset Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being easily hurt Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being hypersensitive Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being glum Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being unstable Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being malicious Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being mean Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being horrid Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit debating Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit making a hullabaloo out of everything Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being objectionable Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being obnoxious Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being childish Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being hateful Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being cruel Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being hurtful Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being antagonistic Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being “unable to coexist” Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being crusty Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being irrational Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being so hasty Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit jumping too conclusions Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being rash Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being foolhardy Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being so impatient Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit judging Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit fighting Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit infuriating Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit irritating Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit aggravating Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit frustrating Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being miserable Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being pessimistic Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being blue Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being “down in the dumps” Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit fretting Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
Quit being ungrateful Christian. Rejoice in the Lord!
I don’t know if you are as tired of reading those as I am of making them up but hopefully the point is made. Hopefully, the point is clear. I know, I know. We all excuse ourselves. I’m sure there is a pet-peeve on the list. Something you think you are God’s answer to. Something you think is your calling. As I once told a friend of mine: “Criticism is not a fruit of the Spirit.” You can make it sound kosher by adding a word like “constructive” to it. It is still criticism. Criticism is destructive! Paul talks about this subject so much in every book he wrote.
We have people coming out of the woodwork to fill the roles above. What we need is people who “Rejoice in the Lord!” ALWAYS! We need people to “let their gentleness be evident to all.” In the words of the song, “we need a hero.” The world needs to see Christians who rejoice! The world needs to see Christians who are gentle. The world knows how evil we think they are. The world also knows that we can’t even be gentle with one another let alone anyone else.
The next phrase is intriguing to me. In the middle of no-where Paul puts this strange phrase: “The Lord is near.” Why? Fear factor, that’s why! “The Lord is near.” Enough games. Enough complaining. Enough! You are acting like God is far away. Quit acting like children and learn to get along! “Rejoice in the Lord always, I’ll say it again, Rejoice!” “Do not be anxious about anything…” But I’m making two house payments, paying two electric bills, two water bills, two gas bills, paying for one to go to college and two to go to a private Christian school. No, really. I’m making two house payments, paying two electric bills, two water bills, two gas bills, paying for one to go to college and two to go to a private Christian school. Our house in Florida was supposed to close last Friday. The people buying the house are from England and some of their paperwork did not come through. The house is back on the market. At least another month of double payments! (It turned out to be 13 Months!) (Also I could never, ever fathom the amount of broken bones, hospital stays, and constant trials we would face over the next three years!!! It would be awesome if I could go back to when I wrote this!) Yesterday I was anxious while I worked through our finances. I mean I was anxious. Hands shaking, voice quivering anxious. Our “Titanic” is starting to go down. Okay, okay, maybe our financial situation is not exactly comparable to the Titanic. Our dingy is going down. That’s even worse because it will go down faster! So that’s where I was yesterday. Then I woke up this morning.What did I find when I woke up? Today’s barrier. Today’s scripture. Let, me tell you God spoke to me loud and clear. LOUD AND CLEAR!
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” I don’t know about you but when I read this passage earlier today. I considered it as a challenge. God was issuing me, not only a command, but a challenge! “Don’t worry, pray. Bring it on. Ask me. Come on, make my day. Quit fretting, quit doing all those other things. Rejoice in me! I’ve been good to you haven’t I? I’ve never let you down have I? I’ve been a good father to you, haven’t I? When? When have I ever left you? When have I ever forsaken you? Now, is the time Kenneth. Now is the time like no other for you to Rejoice! Just let it go! Rejoice in me! I will continue to be good to you! I will continue to be faithful to you! This is going to work out! I am God! I am near! So be a faithful child. Quit worrying and pray! Quit worrying and rejoice! Rejoice, rejoice and again I say Rejoice!”
Yes, Lord I rejoice! I am grateful! I believe! I will lay my request before you! I will not fret! I will not worry! I will not be anxious! I will not be unfaithful to you! I will not be ungrateful! I appreciate you and all that you are doing for me!
“That’s a good boy now here’s what I’m going to give you: I give you MY Peace! “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Gratitude is a faith issue. This scripture is a faith issue. Do you have faith? Put your faith in Him. Practice this scripture. God doesn’t need you to be a “glass half full” kind of Christian. He is looking for Christians who will give a true testimony of how it is. He is looking for “my glass is always full” Christians.
How can we maintain this? How can it be done? We must change the way we think. We must become “THINKFUL.” Guess what, Paul has told us how to do that: “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me--put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” (Philippians 4:4-9, NIV)
So, I guess the ending charge is the same as the beginning: “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me--put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” (Philippians 4:4-9, NIV)
Prayer:Do something different for your prayer today. Go to the list of things to quit… Pray that list. (This exercise may take a while but it will be worth it.) Commit to God that you will quit the list and rejoice in Him. Go through the whole list. Make a covenant with Him and ask Him to not only forgive but empower you to “Rejoice in Him always.” If we can make this change in our lives the transformation in our world around us will be inconceivable. Then pray through the remainder of today’s reading. Present your requests and then ask God to help you think of the things that are listed in the last few verses which will result in an attitude of gratitude developing in you.
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