Thursday, October 8, 2009

Digging Deeper Days 18-19-20

Digging Deeper Days 18-19-20
Barrier: Idolatry
Breakthrough: Holiness

I’m tired. In fact, I’m worn out. It is Midnight EST. I’ve been at a Conference in Atlanta today from 6:30 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. It has been challenging and inspiring. I look forward to this Conference more than anything I do during the course of the year. I am blessed to have Lori and Isaac here with me this year. But, as I said I am tired. I feel that it is imperative for me to get some rest in order to get the most out of what God has to say to me tomorrow, check that, later this morning. I’m not just worn out because of the Conference, but because I stayed up until 1:30 A.M. Eastern time putting together the Digging Deeper for yesterday. This one is going to be short and sweet.

I’ve been a “Legalist” (Day 19 Barrier) about doing a Digging Deeper everyday during our 40 Day journey. I am determined to provide a track for those who want to go deeper in their relationship with God. But alas I am going to ask you guys to throw some grace (Day 19 Breakthrough) my way. Because I just can’t do it.

It is interesting that today’s breakthrough is holiness. Holy is exactly what I have been challenged to be in this Conference today. Specifically, I was challenged to observe a Sabbath while here. So I’m going to do that. The word “holy” means “set apart.” We have all been called to be holy. I am going to allow myself to be “set apart” just for God over the next three days. I’m just going to listen. I’m not going to instruct, I’m not going to do any Digging Deeper exercises, I am just going to bask in the awesome Presence and Power of our Holy God and marvel in the fact that he has called me to be holy. I am going to dedicate myself to listening. I plan to “be still and know that He is God.” I challenge you to do the same. Take some time look at the word holy as it relates to God and His calling for your life. Then take some time to bask in this. One way to do that is to meditate on our barrier as well.

Today’s barrier is idolatry. Obviously this involves the worship of idols or false gods, but these gods are not necessarily in the form of graven images. We live in a world full of idolatry. In our culture it is not uncommon for people to bow to gods such as entertainment, sports, leisure, work, politics, etc… Do you have any idols that you need to cast out of your life? Do you have anything that competes for your allegiance? For what do you hunger and thirst? What occupies your time? Do you find yourself making excuses not to be alone with God in prayer and study of the word? God is a jealous God. He will not share the spotlight with anyone. That is why I am checking out.

Please don’t be angry (Barrier-Day 20) with me, show some forbearance (Breakthrough-Day 21). I’m praying for a breakthrough. Remember Love Wins, Kenneth

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